mgr Maria Zeman

mgr Maria Zeman

mgr Maria Zeman

Specializes in individual therapy with adults, teenagers form 16 years old and couple
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I am a psychotherapist in training in the Gestalt Institute of Integral Psychotherapy in Cracow. I regularly attend psychotherapeutic courses and trainings widening my psychotherapeutic skills. I am also a sworn translator, I hold M.A. degree in English language & literature, Jagiellonian University.

If you experience emotional crisis or difficulties in contact with others, with me in the atmosphere of full empathy and unconditional acceptance you will understand your own reactions. You will find out the source of your emotions and mechanisms which underlie your behavior. By experiencing difficulties in relations, you will also experience relief in understanding the reasons of such difficulties. You will widen your consciousness. You will gain greater self-confidence. You will become aware how to support and express yourself remaining in harmony with yourself and at the same time not violate rights of others. You are welcome to a-discover-yourself journey heading to improvement of relations in your life.

Price List

There is possibility of online session after prior payment to the account, and after sending the confirmation of the transfer on emil Centrum Psychoterapii Róża 37 1140 2004 0000 3002 7820 3845 IBAN : PL37 1140 2004 0000 3002 7820 3845

200 zł individual psychotherapy for adults

200 zł individual psychotherapy for adults online

200 zł first consultation - individual psychotherapy for adults

200 zł first conslutation - individual psychotherapy for adults online

200 zł individual psychotherapy for teenagers online

200 zł individual psychotherapy for teenagers online

320 zł psychotherapy for couple online

320 zł psychotherapy for couple